Archive for May, 2015

Making Movies for ‘Woodlands TV’!

“Tribal Ali, an English ‘Zorro with a Scalpel’ doing for wild cookery what Charlie Dimmock did for gardening”


Capture roadkill for woodlands tv part 1.JPG2 .

Last year I made some “Wild Food Foraging in the Woodlands” films with Film Maker Claudia Nye.

The pilot film in the “Roadkill” series “Identifying Edible Roadkill by the Woodlands” aired on the 15th April 2015 and today the latest short follow-up film emerged entitled: Part 2 –

“Preparing Roadkill Pigeon to eat in the Woodlands”


Click here to see the 4.30 minute film


“Wild Wood-Pigeon Breast with Wild Blackberry Sauce and Wild Mushroom Cous-Cous”


The actual cooking of the dish is covered in the next short film aired on the 15th June 2015.


“Cooking Roadkill Pigeon in the Woodlands”



The most common question I get is “How do you know it is safe to eat?”

“Wild food foraging in all its forms isn’t about being poor or desperate, its about being opportunistic, creative, in tune with ourselves, nature and our bodies.  Wild meat foraging in particular uses no packaging, has less chemicals, fewer food miles and contains less pollution; it is cruelty free and often ‘Vegetarian’ friendly; it fosters biodiversity; our bodies ‘understand’ these natural foods, therefore cancers and other physical ailments are minimized because our immune systems are minds are boosted naturally.

Many are realising that numerous shop bought food items are more suspicious than nutritious. Wild plants are very different now from chemically cultivated foods and farm animals taste nothing like game animals”.

I have in the past written plenty of long-winded explanations but I felt it was time to create an

‘Easier to Remember’ ROAD-SIDE CHECKLIST! 

“Don’t Eat Flat Furry Roadside Snacks Before Last Diagnostic Smell Check”




Making Movies for ‘Woodlands TV’!

Originally from Argentina, Claudia is a Scarborough based, award winning BAFTA nominated documentary film maker with 21 years experience in the field of media.

Her work ranges from broadcast (BBC/Channel Four) to private and public Commissions (Film Council/European Fund), through facilitating community based projects with the youth, and teaching in FE and HE sectors.

These movies are for Woodlands.TV .woodlands_TV




If in doubt, ask someone else’s advice who knows what they are doing, or just leave it well alone!



close up curious pigeonsSooooo!  Should you try it?

If you can stomach the thought of eating roadkill, and are confident you can pick out the animals safe for consumption, then I’d urge you to give it a try.

If you’ve ever eaten pheasant, hare or rabbit in a restaurant, paid a small fortune for the privilege and almost broken your teeth on the buckshot, you’d probably relish the chance to eat your gamey goodness without the fear of fillings afterwards!

Eating properly examined and prepared roadkill is definitely healthier than meat heavily laden with antibiotics, hormones, and growth stimulants, as most supermarket meat is today.

Road traffic casualties never knew what hit ‘em – if you pardon the pun!  They did not experience what it was like to be factory farmed, castrated, de-horned, or de-beaked without anaesthetics, they did not suffer the traumatic and miserable experience of being transported long distances in a crowded truck, and did not hear the screams and smell the fear of the animals ahead of them on the slaughter line.


Ethically, I know what I would rather eat!


oh deer


DISCLAIMER… I have to say that I hold NO responsibility for anyone getting sick from eating Roadkill.  I offer my experiences and knowledge here freely, I do not make myself accountable for anyone else.  YOU make a choice, YOU take responsibility.  If in doubt, ask someone else’s advice who knows what they are doing, or just leave it well alone!  With that said….


To see other of my blogs relating to this subject follow the links…


“WILD MEAT” – Wild Food & Roadkill Preparation & Preservation Workshops


FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS – Roadkill Recycling, Eating and Artwork…


THE ROADKILL CONNOISSEUR- Making a film for the ‘MUNCHIES’ food Channel – “Southern Fried Squirrel” & “Squirrel Pot-Sticker Dumplings”.



A Wild Woman is not a girlfriend…..I love this poem. It really resonated as I had a tremendous pre-menopausal meltdown at the weekend. Luckily I bounce back quickly as I have taught myself to stay out of the ridiculous stories in my head at those times of uncontrollable wildness – and I have an amazing partner. I am a lucky one. I didn’t realise it was going to be so tough, this change! Most people don’t appreciate a woman’s journeys, especially these kinds. I am soooooo glad I managed to squeeze max out before this began, lol.


A wild Woman is Not a Girlfriend


A Wild Woman is not a girlfriend

But can you love me in the deep?
In the dark?
In the thick of it?
Can you love me when I drink from the wrong bottle
and slip through the crack in the floorboard?
Can you love me when I’m bigger than you,
when my presence blazes like the sun does,
when it hurts to look directly at me?
Can you love me then too?

Can you love me under the starry sky,
shaved and smooth, my skin like liquid moonlight?
Can you love me when I am howling and furry,
standing on my haunches,
my lower lip stained with the blood of my last kill?
When I call down the lightning,
when the sidewalks are singed by the soles of my feet,
can you still love me then?

What happens when I freeze the land,
and cause the dirt to harden
over all the pomegranate seeds we’ve planted?
Will you trust that Spring will return?
Will you still believe me when I tell you
I will become a raging river,
and spill myself upon your dreams
and call them to the surface of your life?
Can you trust me,
even though you cannot tame me?
Can you love me,
even though I am all that you fear and admire?
Will you fear my shifting shape?

Does it frighten you,
when my eyes flash like your camera does?
Do you fear they will capture your soul?
Are you afraid to step into me?
The meat-eating plants
and flowers armed with poisonous darts
are not in my jungle to stop you from coming.
Not you.
So do not worry.
They belong to me,
and I have invited you here.

Stay to the path revealed in the moonlight
and arrive safely to the hut of Baba Yaga:
the wild old wise one…
she will not lead you astray if you are pure of heart.

You cannot be with the wild one
if you fear the rumbling of the ground,
the roar of a cascading river,
the startling clap of thunder in the sky.
If you want to be safe,
go back to your tiny room —
the night sky is not for you.
If you want to be torn apart, come in.
Be broken open and devoured.
Be set ablaze in my fire.
I will not leave you as you have come:
well dressed,
in finely-threaded sweaters that keep out the cold.
I will leave you naked and biting.
Leave you clawing at the sheets.
Leave you surrounded by owls and hawks
and flowers that only bloom when no one is watching.

So, come to me,
and be healed in the unbearable lightness
and darkness of all that you are.
There is nothing in you that can scare me.
Nothing in you I will not use to make you great.

A wild woman is not a girlfriend.
She is a relationship with nature.
She is the source of all your primal desires,
and she is the wild whipping wind
that uproots the poisonous corn stalks
on your neatly tilled farm.
She will plant pear trees in the wake of your disaster.
She will see to it that you shall rise again.
She is the lover who restores you to your own wild nature.

by Allison Nappi


tribal white centred from word doc

(Tribal Ali – photography by Javan Liam 2007)


She is Maiden, Mother and Crone
In one…

You will recognize her because she
makes genuine eye contact with whomever she meets…
She is not afraid to be direct and honest about how she feels

She charts her own course
And is willing to meet whatever comes
Because she has faith in her Journey
She’s aware of her own strength

She delights in enabling the wellbeing and the empowerment of others
But she refuses to subject herself to energy drainers…
She sees through bullshit instantly
She knows how to protect herself

She is obedient to her own inner knowing,
She is willing to break the rules made by others
in order to be authentic to herself

Her truth comes directly through her heart
She uses her mind as the servant to manifest it

She is inwardly and outwardly Aware
She responds more than she reacts
She no longer waters illusory drama
She no longer feels the need to control what is

She is deeply connected to her creative source
She is her own work of art in progress
She can create beauty from whatever is in front of her

She is in tune with her intuition and instinctual body
She lives in the present
Because she is willing to relinquish the past
And allow the future the space it needs to unfold

She understands that life is an ever changing flow from one moment to the next…
She willingly goes with it.

She feels deeply connected to the earth and stays close to nature,
She recognizes that she is not separate from it…
Being connected to nature is essential for her health and wellbeing

She has simplified her life
Released the non-essentials so that she can be spacious and free

She values her aloneness,
She waters her Soul with it
But she also
values quality time with like minded Souls

She doesn’t need a man to complete her
Her relationships are on an equal basis of respect and sharing
Unbridled sensual pleasure…

She has no time for gossip
She’s invested in raising the Sisterhood up rather than cutting it down

She celebrates the Beauty and Power in other Women
She celebrates the Beauty and Power within herself

She is just as willing to receive as she is to give
She fills her own cup for herself and overflows it for others

She understands the futility of unsolicited advice
So she shares her wisdom through living it

She envisions the Healing of the world
She offers her gifts as a contribution towards it

Love is her religion
Unity is her gospel
Laughter is her Grace

She loves to play through her inner child
Sing and dance through her inner maiden
She nurtures her body mind and spirit daily through her inner mother

Others seek her for her Wisdom
Are irresistibly drawn to her unpredictable Mystery

They feel seen and accepted in her steady gaze…
Peaceful in her Sacred Space

They are shocked by her irreverent humor
But secretly inspired, uplifted,
Given permission to be themselves

She is Maiden, Mother and Crone
In one
She is Goddess

— Caroline de Lisser



